Eight Alternatives to Coffee

While coffee has many health benefits on its own, we do have to agree that, for whatever reason, it might not be for everyone. If you have decided to give up coffee and and are looking for other ways to boost your energy in the morning and maintain your energy levels throughout the day, weContinue reading “Eight Alternatives to Coffee”

10 ways to sneak in more protein into your diet

Protein is one of the essential macronutrients for our health. A higher protein intake is said to help with weight loss, increase muscle mass and improve health. At the same time it increases the metabolic rate and decreases levels of hunger hormone which is great news for people trying to lose weight. Here are 10Continue reading “10 ways to sneak in more protein into your diet”

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by apple juice fermentation in which process bacteria turns the alcohol into acetic acid. That is what gives vinegar its sour taste and strong smell. Apple cider vinegar has been used for a long time as a home remedy, to treat things like sore throat and varicose veins. However, thereContinue reading “Apple Cider Vinegar”

Collagen – Part III

– Can Collagen be Vegan?– Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is found in your bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin and can help in improving the health of skin, hair, and nails, preventing bone loss, relieving joint pain, and boosting muscle mass. Our body makes its own collagen butContinue reading “Collagen – Part III”

Collagen – Part II

MARINE VS. BOVINE COLLAGEN. WHICH ONE IS RIGHT FOR YOU? What Is Collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, accounting for a third of its protein composition. It’s in your bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin and help in improving the health of skin, hair, and nails, preventing bone loss, relievingContinue reading “Collagen – Part II”

Collagen – Part I

WHAT IS COLLAGEN?  Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and a major component of connective tissues that make up several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles. Because it makes up so many critical parts of our bodies, collagen is not only beneficial but essential for good health. There is aContinue reading “Collagen – Part I”

Fiber In More Detail

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that our bodies cannot digest. Once digested into the body most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, or glucose molecules. Fiber is different in a sense that the molecules cannot be broken down to enter the blood stream and they continue to pass through the digestive system. Fiber actuallyContinue reading “Fiber In More Detail”

4 Reasons Your Glutes Are Not Growing

-and what to do about it- If you have not been getting the results you have been looking for with glute training, there may be some details about your workout and diet you may be neglecting. In order for muscles to grow, they must be properly stimulated and challenged over time. Ideally, you would use some formContinue reading “4 Reasons Your Glutes Are Not Growing”

100 Health and Fitness Tips

We are up to a 100 followers! I am so grateful for all your support and beyond happy to know that you are finding valuable information on this blog. To celebrate this little milestone, I wanted to share a 100 tips for a healthy and fit life. Be consistent Listen to your body Accept yourselfContinue reading “100 Health and Fitness Tips”

Is dairy really bad for you?

Whether dairy is good or bad for you is a highly controversial topic. There are valid points to both sides and I will go over some of the main arguments to help you understand more about this particular topic. First of, we have to consider that not all dairy is created equal, then that thereContinue reading “Is dairy really bad for you?”

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